Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Onions, leeks, shallots, oh my!

We received our Fedco Seed order yesterday and I have been getting a bit antsy waiting to see what would not arrive. All of our onion seed was shipped, so I spent a good amount of time today sowing onions, leeks, and shallots. Allyn and I tend to argue when I am deciding how much to plant due to the "Georgie Curve". The Georgie Curve is an exponential seed planting curve, and for every season that passes, the amount of land she cultivates doubles. Having said that, I was able to plant in private until my heart was contented. ...maybe I'll plant some more!

Alliums to be:
  • Purple Torpedo Onion
  • Copra Onion
  • Red Marble Onion
  • Evergreen Hardy White Scallion
  • King Sieg Leek
  • King Richard Leek
  • Prisma Red Shallot

    1 comment:

    1. Oh yeah, "Georgie Curve!" Although actually it's much more complicated math than that where not only does the land planted double, but somehow extraneous other tasks also seem to multiply on a exponential mysterious "x" factor which is rather surprising in greatness.
      So, figure like this, "hey, I'll plant 2x more onions next year!" doesn't just become 2x more work (which is what would makes sense) but really, because planting 2xs more onions requires not only 2xs more field space, but more flats, more soil, more germination space, more greenhouse room, more hoes to weed (both as in the tool "hoes" and in "work ho's"), construction of new drying and curing room and then of course, 5x as much storage space because somehow 2x more onions need 5x more space... and so on and henceforth.
      So 2x more actually equals 7.45x more work. Or something horrifying like that. (Psst...very important part of plan, don't inform Allyn- or any other working helpers - of the formal now that is has been revealed. This results in major desertion of your "work ho's".)
      Yes. Thankyou (bows). You now know the secret formula to farming insanity! Farmer Georgie exits room quietly before crowd catches on...
